Not Guilty of Serious Assault Case in Oakland County

Jim Amberg’s client was charged with assaulting his former girlfriend by taking her head and repeatedly slamming it into his kitchen cabinet. Rather than report this “terrible” crime right away, the ex-girlfriend spent days sending Jim’s client crazy text messages and acting in bizarre ways. Only after Jim’s client broke up with the ex did she go into the Lathrup Village Police Department and tell her tale.

This was an Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office case and there were serious “me too” headwinds in the air. Regardless, Jim, not being intimidated by Me Too, took the case to a jury trial. At the trial, the “victim” cried a river for over an hour on the stand. Then, one question into his cross examination, the ex stopped her act and became extremely combative with Jim. This is not want you want to do if you are “trying” to tell the truth. After showing her how she had deleted all of her bad texts before giving them to the cops, how she lied to the jury about not drinking considering she texted Jim’s client a picture of her drinking a beer that night, and how she drove by the client’s house repeatedly after the incident supposedly happened, the jury went out and came right back with a not guilty.

The family of the ex-girlfriend was in the courtroom and voiced their shock at the acquittal. During the trial, outside of the courtroom, the family repeatedly threatened Jim. This was a dumb move because Jim feeds off this and made it a point to drive the hammer down at trial. The family even had a lawyer there, who tried to threaten Jim by saying he would beat Jim in the personal protection case scheduled for later that month. Of course, that same wimp of an attorney, nor the ex-girlfriend even bothered to show up for that hearing!

At the end of the day, there was only one casualty, Jim’s car. Somebody, probably one of the irate family members, dented his brand new Tesla while it sat out in the parking lot!!! Jim thought this was a small price to pay for watching justice get served on the rowdy group of liars!


Kilogram of Heroin Case Dismissed by Oakland County Circuit Court


Livingston County Rape Case NOT GUILTY