Livingston County Rape Case NOT GUILTY

Just being charged with criminal sexual assault is a terrible thing for somebody to go through, especially when you are innocent. Jim Amberg recently tried a Livingston County felony rape trial where his client was accused of raping his former girlfriend. This was a case where the ex-girlfriend showed up at the state police post in Livingston County and made a wild accusation from conduct that supposedly had taken place weeks before. Rather than doing any type of background investigation, which would have shown that the ex-girlfriend had made the same accusations about other former boyfriends in the past, the trooper simply believed her.

If you’ve never been through something like this before, it is shocking how the police and prosecutors will believe anything told to them, without even bothering to investigate any further. This is exactly what happened in this case. Well the “victim” in the case discovered that lying to Jim is a bad idea, and Jim eviscerated her on the stand. Her arrogant smile and smug demeanor were crushed as she was pummeled by Jim’s onslaught. The fake tears stopped after the first question, the attitude by the second. The “victim” was displayed to the jury as the liar she was. And the jury clearly agreed by finding Jim’s client not guilty of rape.

Even though Jim and his client were overjoyed, as a sentence for this case would have included decades in prison, the fact remains that this case never should have been charged in the first place. But make no mistake, this is how the system works, and until defense attorneys start trying cases rather than take gutless pleas, people like Jim’s client will be forced to go through this humiliating experience.


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