The Michigan Court of Appeals

The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every calling, is diligence
— Abraham Lincoln

The Intermediate Appellate Court for Michigan


As serious felony criminal lawyers, we have handled many cases in the Michigan Court of Appeals. The Court itself consists of four districts, Detroit, Troy, Grand Rapids, and Lansing. Each of these districts receives six judges. In the context of a Michigan criminal case, the Court of Appeals presides over all felony cases that are appealed, as well as all misdemeanor cases that are appealed past the circuit court.

Handling Court of Appeals Criminal Cases

Winning in the Michigan Court of Appeals is not easy, but we’ve repeatedly handled winning cases throughout the years. Many times we are forced to answer appeals that start because the state prosecutor appeals a decision where we win in the felony trial court. Other times, when we believe that the trial court has made a mistake of law, we will appeal. The trick to a good appeal is to lay the proper foundation in the trial court by filing the right motions and forming your client’s arguments in a way that allows for a full hearing on whatever that criminal law issue is. For example, we have had much success in getting medical marijuana cases overturned. The way we’ve done this is by properly preserving the issues and appealing, even before the trial.

Appeal Strategy in your Felony Criminal Case

An often overlooked strategy in any Michigan felony criminal case is to appeal the trial court’s decisions before the trial begins. Many times we believe that the trial court has made a legal error in denying our motions. Rather than wait until after trial, it is a wise move to file what is called an interlocutory appeal to the Michigan Court of Appeals. If done correctly, this type of appeal will immediately stop all proceedings in the trial court and the Court of Appeals will then have to decide whether to grant review and relief.

Fighting Hard in the Court of Appeals

Just because we are trial lawyers does not mean we can’t hold our against any and all felony state appellate prosecutors. In fact, we have won some very significant appellate cases that have changed Michigan criminal law for the better. We have our own legal strategy that we use in all appellate cases, and if you have a serious appeal, we can help. Give us a call today!


Michigan Felony Crimes

Southeast Michigan Circuit Courts

  • Oakland County

  • Wayne County

  • Livingston County

  • Macomb County

  • Washtenaw County

  • Genesee County

  • District Courts

  • Appellate Courts

State Criminal Issues

  • State Sentencing

  • Mandatory Minimums

  • State Prison

  • Trial Strategy